5 tips and tricks to help your child make the bed

If this one task can become second nature for your children then, parents, you have done well. Chores are a necessary part of raising responsible kids (as we all know), and making the bed is a great place to start. Children can do this from a surprisingly young age, and because it personally benefits them, it’s hard one for them to negotiate their way out of.

A child’s bedroom is their own little personal space in your home, so it’s a good idea to start teaching them how to look after their haven. Encouraging your child to get into the habit of making their bed every morning teaches them responsibility, cleanliness, and organisation.

When teaching your child how to make the bed, it’s human nature to want to help and guide your little one. Of course, this is important to encourage them and give them help when needed; however, it is also critical to step back so they can experience a little trial-and-error themselves. By doing this, you will give them more confidence to want to do it themselves each morning. Try showing them, then messing up the bed to let them finish the job.

The position of the bed is a key factor easily overlooked. Make sure the bed is not against the wall when teaching your child, as climbing over the bed to tuck in the bedding down the wall side can be very tricky. Try putting the bed in the middle of the room, making it easy to walk around the whole bed when tucking in the sheets and straightening the duvet.

A great little tip lift your child’s bed-making enthusiasm is to let them choose a cool duvet and pillow set that they feel proud of and love to see looking made up and tidy. Their favourite cartoon or character looks at its best when everything is flat and smooth, which will give them a sense of accomplishment and pride in their work.

If your child is getting out of bed jumping for joy to make their bed, then you are one lucky parent. It’s a lot more typical for children to try and slack off on their chores and think of any excuse under the sun not to do them. Be persistent and remember that it takes a long time for a habit to form (of the chore variety), and you may be reminding them for many years to come. Stick to a routine that allows an extra five minutes in the morning for bed-making. It’s worth it.

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